Often we see “furu”’s (Fake Guru) and “Guru’s” take photo’s of themselves in front of their “Trading Rig” full of “Charts” and as we like to say “Red Light … Green Light” indicators. Occassionaly they will throw out some insepid motivational motto like “Push yourself to succeed through losses!”
Ok, anything else to offer Captain Obvious?
Whenever we run across a particularly egregious offender? We’ll send a link, one of us to the other.
To laugh.
Because as if any of these things would in any way or in any reality would help to develop an individual as a trader.
Which is all well and good to point out. But without something substantial to offer as a counterfactual? What is it the kids say? We’d simply show ourselves as “haters”? Again, it is simply pointing out the obvious on our part. The whole goal of GTC Traders, is allowing ones to “look over our shoulder” as it were, as to how we would present concepts and think about matters as we move forward in the capital markets.
So we thought we would offer a Sample Portfolio here at GTC Traders. And demonstrate how a portfolio is acceptably tracked, and how we think about risk.
We will keep our Quantitative Processes to ourselves, and in the future may discuss some of these in materials we release.
Regardless, we do believe it important not to simply wax philosophic, regarding the Capital Markets. But also to show if our ideas have any value-add whatsoever. We’ll begin with a small $50,000 portfolio, and a weekly capital contribution of $35.00 a week.
More to come …

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Pingback: GTC Sample Portfolio: Purchase of Kroger (KR) - GTC Traders
Pingback: GTC Sample Portfolio: Stalking Union Pacific (UNP) - GTC Traders