
GTC Sample Portfolio: Busy Morning on NVDA, MMM, UNG and PLTR

If you note the twitter stream this morning?

Busy, busy morning.

Ok, NVDA rallied again (of course) overnight, so I rolled that position again. Closed down the previous defended position for 1.16. Then I re-rolled, by selling the March 8 (again) 930/980’s calls for 1.10. Widened the spread, to see if I can worm my way out of it that way; instead of rolling for duration further out in time (which I’m willing to do, but I wanted to try this first).

Then, as MMM was dumping? I went ahead and closed that trade down for a profit, by closing it down at 0.13.

Then … I also sold UNG cash covered puts, by selling the March 22, UNG 15.50 for 0.22

Then … when PLTR reversed mid-morning? I sold PLTR cash covered puts again, by selling the March 28 20.5 put, for 0.21.

That’s it for now. If I have to adjust things a bit more, I’ll do so …

EDIT: I’ve had to re-roll the NVDA trade again. This time, I kep the strikes wide, increased the number of contracts (For the GTC Sample Portfolio, it’d be two strikes), and kept the same expiry.

I will continue to re-roll this thing to kingdom come.  I’ve had to do re-rolls on trades like this?  Up to 8 times.  My next move, would be to move to go to 3 contracts, tighten the spread, and get enough premium to get out of it profitably.

EDIT AGAIN: Yeup, I’ve had to re-roll 2 more times. At this point? Only down a little more than the padding of the Treasuries. I’m willing to do this all day long …


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