
GTC Sample Portfolio: Longs are Flying, Premium is Booked Profit, Removing the Hedge for Now

Alright, so the Inflation number came in quite low this morning, and the market is flying higher than a hippie in a helicopter.

So at this point? Our long positions are moving higher? Awesome. Let them run. That TLT premium we had sold, is nearly booked profit at this point, as the longer end yields are dropping. Do not forget on our longs, that Dividends have been posting in the account. And today, even little ol’ DEO is running higher.

Side tangent on DEO: As we mentioned on the Twitter stream … did you notice that despite getting knee-capped by that news on DEO? The portfolio hadn’t actually gone into Drawdown from inception, since the gains we had allowed to accumulate previous, more than offset that drawdown in DEO’s stock price? That that is besides the fact that we made sure DEO was only a half-sized position anyways. And today, DEO is flying back as the mean-reversion kicks in.

Hey … maybe we do know what we are doing after all eh?

Regardless, the only adjustment I’m going to make? Is removing the SH hedge completely at this point … so the SH can be considered gone and exited at $13.91


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