
GTC Sample Portfolio: Nibble on All (well most) of Them …

Following this mornings comments? I ran some numbers through, and given market conditions?

I’m going to go ahead and buy much of the assets we mentioned. Not all. But many. For the strategy being used, I had to remind myself that these are only half-sized positions. And the strategy being employed here is only 1/3 of the total portfolio size. So we’re talking about buying 1/2 sized positions; on 1/3 of the portfolio. And positions we can further manage in the future at that.

And for this particular strategy … good … is not the enemy of perfect.

So for the GTC Sample Portfolio, orders to …

Buy to Open 15 shares of NTSX, filled at 35.67
Buy to Open 13 shares of WFC, filled at 41.82
Buy to Open 9 shares of XLU, filled at 62.22
Buy to Open 6 shares of JNK, filled at 91.17
Buy to Open 30 shares of PCY, filled at 18.72

We’re holding off on the STX purchase for now.

We are maintaining our SH position, at the same size it is currently.

That’s all for now. In a bit, I’ll have to do a bit of a review of the GTC Sample Portfolio as a whole …


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