
Twiddling My Thumbs

I’ve been thinking my way around the current state of the markets at the moment, and some possible maneuvers for the GTC Sample Portfolio.


At the moment, I would not be surprised to see a little more upside, in terms of a stock rally.  As I’ve mentioned on the Twitter feed, I’ve been waiting a few days for this.  As extended as this rally is?  It’s not something I want to actually trade?  I’m just watching and waiting at the moment.  I may be willing to sell some call premium on the indices, if I feel we are topping out.  But I don’t see us as in a position to do so, quite yet.  As I said, I would not be surprised to see a little more in terms of a rally.


As well, I’ve been keeping my eye on the longer end of the curve, from the 10 Year out.  I wouldn’t mind getting short on price, bullish on yield?  But again, I don’t think we’re quite there yet.


Tomorrow we will receive a host of economic news, so I will probably wait until then, to see how everything shakes out …