image of Mr Top Step Danny Riley logo at GTC Traders

Working with Mr. Top Step

I’ve been trading markets for nearly ~30 years now. I began in the mid 1990’s, working orders over the phone as I called into Futures desks in Chicago. I have more (horror) stories there than I care to relate here in this short article.

I do know that I will never forget being a newer trader. It was immediately obvious to me that when I was interacting with anyone in Chicago? I was talking with professionals who had already been working markets for decades; and knew volumes more about those markets than I did. I tried to learn from those older and wiser in the markets than myself. The ego of my youth didn’t always allow for that?

But I at least tried to shut up and listen when I could.

I also learned that there is an insane level of frauds, liars and cheats in Finance. Especially what we call now “FURU’s” or fake Guru’s; who were nothing more than glorified snake oil salesmen. Promising “the dream” of trading for a living, rather than actually … you know … honestly demonstrating the grind, trials and reality that is involved in trading for a living.

Which is why I prioritize dealing with folks who are known for their honesty and fair dealing. Solid … character. Which is why I am glad that GTC Traders has been talking and developed a relationship with Danny Riley of Mr. Top Step.

GTC Traders appeals to new, and aspiring traders. Traders that perhaps don’t know a lot about the ol’ days in the trading pits. For those of you who are new? Danny’s DNA in the markets runs deep. Having worked his way up during the days of the open outcry, Danny went on to build and run the largest-volume S&P futures desk on the floor; filling orders for some of the most recognizable names in trading.

And he did that largely due to his solid reputation for honesty, and integrity.

So …

As we said, we will be working with Mr. Top Step in the future. Danny has graciously provided a room there for use by GTC Traders throughout the trading day; and don’t be surprised if you see us writing articles for Mr. Top Step as well.

Stay tuned for more details.


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